Biblical Counseling
God has a place in your life, but you’re not quite sure where that is or how to take the next steps towards spiritual growth. Perhaps you are seeking, questioning, or interested in developing intentional spiritual practices in your life.
We offer spiritual direction which is designed to increase awareness, attentiveness, and intimacy with God. It is led by a person who serves as a guide and companion and can involve conversation, reading, prayer, meditation, and personal reflection.
Or perhaps you want to work with a therapist who understands and can work within the Christian worldview and beliefs you have. We believe a person’s faith and spirituality is an integral part of who they are and how healing and growth unfolds, and we can weave this focus into our therapeutic work together.
Our Biblical counseling is based on these beliefs:
People are unique creations of God’s design
Physical, spiritual and emotional wholeness is a process made possible by applying Biblical truth and psychological principles within safe relationships based in love, truth, grace and mercy.
The true source of complete healing grows from a relationship with God.
To learn more about what we believe, read our Statement of Faith or contact us for more information.